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Refereed Papers

Name(s) Journal Volume, page (year) Title and link
K. Lefmann, E. Farhi and V. Hugouvieux Neutron News 16/2 (2005)
J. Peters, J.D.M. Champion, G. Zsigmond, H.N. Bordallo and F. Mezei Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A Volume 557, Pages 580-584 (2006) Using Fermi choppers to shape the neutron pulse
K. Lieutenant, T. Gutberlet, A. Wiedenmann and F. Mezei Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A Volume 553, Pages 592-603 (2005) Monte-Carlo simulations of small angle neutron scattering instruments at European spallation source
G. Zsigmond, J.M. Carpenter Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A Volume 550, Pages 359-378 (2005) A numerical analysis of time focusing of crystal analyzer spectrometers on pulsed sources
L. Ciampolini, L.E. Bove, C. Mondelli, L. Alianelli, S. Labbe-Lavigne, F. Natali, M. Bée and A. Deriu Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A Volume 544, Pages 649-658 (2005) A new gradient monochromator for the IN13 back-scattering spectrometer
K. Lieutenant Journal of Physics, Condensed Matter Volume 17, S167-S174 (2005) Optimization of neutron scattering instruments using different optimization routines
Alexander Ioffe and Sergey Manoshin Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A Volume 529, Pages 45-49 (2004) Larmor labelling by thin spin flippers with rotating magnetic field: simulations of performance of neutron scattering instruments
Christian Schanzer, Peter Böni, Uwe Filges and Thomas Hils Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A Volume 529, Pages 63-68 (2004) Advanced geometries for ballistic neutron guides
Jan Šaroun Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A Volume 529, Pages 162-165 (2004) Random-walk algorithm for the simulation of neutron diffraction in deformed mosaic crystals
G. Zsigmond, K. Lieutenant, S. Manoshin, H. N. Bordallo, J. D. M. Champion, J. Peters, J. M. Carpenter and F. Mezei Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A Volume 529, Pages 218-222 (2004) A survey of simulations of complex neutronic systems by VITESS
L. Alianelli, N. Wilson, K. H. Andersen, M. Sánchez del Río and R. Felici Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A Volume 529, Pages 231-233 (2004) A method for detailed simulations of neutron diffraction from imperfect crystal
A. Ioffe and S. Manoshin Physica B Volume 345, Pages 235-238 (2004) A neutron spin-echo spectrometer based upon thin magnetic film flippers: the simulation of performance
M. Ohl, M. Monkenbusch, D. Richter, C. Pappas, K. Lieutenant, Th. Krist, G. Zsigmond and F. Mezei Physica B Volume 350, Pages 147-150 (2004) The high-resolution neutron spin-echo spectrometer for the SNS with tau >= 1us
V. Hugouvieux, E. Farhi, M. R. Johnson and W. Kob Physica B Volume 350, Pages 151-154 (2004) Virtual neutron scattering experiments
H.N. Bordallo, G. Zsigmond and J.D.M. Champion Physica B Volume 350, Pages E717-E719 (2004) Benchmark simulation of a Fermi-chopper instrument
P. Andersen, K. Lefmann, L. Theil Kuhn, P. K. Willendrup and E. Farhi Physica B Volume 350, Pages E721724-E719 (2004) Monte Carlo simulations as a part of the configuration for neutron instruments
L. Alianelli, M. Sánchez del Río, R. Felici, K. H. Andersen and E. Farhi Physica B Volume 350, Pages E725-E729 (2004) A novel Monte Carlo algorithm for simulating crystals with McStas
Peter Willendrup, Emmanuel Farhi and Kim Lefmann Physica B Volume 350, Pages E735-E737 (2004) McStas 1.7 - a new version of the flexible Monte Carlo neutron scattering package
L. Alianelli, M. Sánchez del Río and R. Felici Physica B Volume 350, Pages E739-E741 (2004) NOP: a new software tool for neutron optics
L. Alianelli, M. Sánchez del Río and R. Felici Journal of Applied Crystallography Volume 37, 732-742 (2004) Characterization and modelling of germanium assembled crystals for the diffraction of thermal neutrons

Other Publications

- (e.g. poster or oral presentations, books, conference publications etc)

Name(s)TitleType (e.g. book)VolumeYearOther info
Šaroun, J; Kulda, J Neutron ray-tracing simulations and data analysis with RESTRAX oral + paper in proceedings, Ed. M. Sanchez del Rio 5536 2004 Advances in Computational Methods for X-Ray and Neutron Optics, SPIE, 2-6 August 2004 (Denver)
Lefmann,K; Niedermayer, Ch.; Abrahamsen, AB; Bahl, CRH; Christensen, NB; Filges, U; Rønnow, HM Realizing the full potential of a RITA spectrometer Poster n/a 2005 Int. Conf. on Neutron Scattering, ICNS-05 (Sydney)
Willendrup, P; Farhi, E; Lieutenant, K; Lefmann, K McStas 1.9 - a new release of the flexible Monte Carlo raytracing package Poster n/a 2005 Int. Conf. on Neutron Scattering, ICNS-05 (Sydney)
Willendrup, P; Filges, U; Keller, L; Farhi, E; Lefmann, K Validation of a realistic powder sample using data from DMC at PSI Poster See proceedings 2005 Int. Conf. on Neutron Scattering, ICNS-05 (Sydney)
Willendrup, P; Lefmann, K; Lebech, B; Mortensen, K Experiences from a course in theoretical, experimental, and simulational neutron scattering Poster n/a 2005 Int. Conf. on Neutron Scattering, ICNS-05 (Sydney)
Filges, U; Rønnow, HM; Zsigmond, G Monte Carlo simulations for instrumentation at SINQ Poster n/a 2005 Int. Conf. on Neutron Scattering, ICNS-05 (Sydney)
Zsigmond, G; Filges, U; Juranyi, F Monte Carlo code intercomparison for the FOCUS instrument at PSI Poster n/a 2005 Int. Conf. on Neutron Scattering, ICNS-05 (Sydney)
Könnecke, M; Filges, U Integration of a powder diffractometer simulation into the instrument control software SICS Poster n/a 2005 Int. Conf. on Neutron Scattering, ICNS-05 (Sydney)
Rønnow, HM; Graf, D; Filges, U; Niedermayer, Ch; Mesot, J The EIGER-CAMERA a multiplexing thermal neutron crystal spectrometer Poster n/a 2005 Int. Conf. on Neutron Scattering, ICNS-05 (Sydney)
Kulda, J; Šaroun, J; Flores, P; Janousova, B; Kempa, M; Demmel, F; Boehm, M The flatcone multianalyzer setup for ILLs three-axis spectrometers Poster n/a 2005 Int. Conf. on Neutron Scattering, ICNS-05 (Sydney)
Šaroun J; Kulda, J Monte Carlo simulation and optimization of the Bragg and lobster-eye neutron optics with RESTRAX Poster n/a 2005 Int. Conf. on Neutron Scattering, ICNS-05 (Sydney)
Peters, J; Kali, G; Rosta, L; Mezei, F Performance of TOF powder diffractometers on reactor sources Poster n/a 2005 Int. Conf. on Neutron Scattering, ICNS-05 (Sydney)
Frick, B; Bordallo, H; Seydel, T A new high flux backscattering spectrometer at the ILL Poster n/a 2005 Int. Conf. on Neutron Scattering, ICNS-05 (Sydney)
S.Muehlbauer, M.Stadlbauer, P.Boeni, Ch.Schanzer, J.Stahn, U.Filges Performance of elliptically tapered neutron guides Poster n/a 2005 Int. Conf. on Neutron Scattering, ICNS-05 (Sydney)
L. Keller, U. Filges Design of a neutron diffractometer at SINQ using Monte Carlo simulations Poster n/a 2005 XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, IUCr2005, Florence, Italy

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